MO -- West Sulawesi is the expansion province of South Sulawesi province. The capital is Mamuju city. West Sulawesi is known as tourism destination. Besides cocoa, this area is also producing robusta coffee or Arabica coffee, coconut, and clove. In mining sector there is the content of gold, coal, and petroleum.
West Sulawesi is divided into the following regencies: Majene Regency, Mamasa Regency, Mamuju Regency, North Mamuju Regency and Polewali Mandar Regency.
There are some destinations that officially open and worth to be visited according to some categories:
Nature Tourism in West Sulawesi:
- Anjoro Pitu
- Hot Spring
- Sumur Jodoh in Karampuang island
- Liawan Waterfall Mamasa
Maritime tourism object, which are:
- Pasir Putih in Polman district
- Mata Sapi waterfall at Mamuju
- Karampuang Island Marine Park and Bala Balakang archipelago
- Hot spring in Kalumpang, tapandulu and aralle in Mamasa
Cultural Site
- Traditional house Mamasa
- Rice Tammanurung Kalumpang
- Giant Wood Ebodi in Kaluku
Potential Agro tourism
- A variety of Flora Fauna
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